To glaciers and islands on the world's end

Sail with us far north beyond the Arctic Circle. To the realm of the midnight sun. To places where the land challenges the vast ocean for the last time.


Together we will set sails for treks to the glacier, to let it's magical blue take our breath away, for having fun with a funny walk and a flight of cute puffins, and for admiring the courage of the locals, who have chosen the farthest islands of civilization as their homes. And then we will sail even further. To places where the only sign of human presence will be our sailboat and ourselves.


Many of the places have not just their mysterious charm, but also their best. We will ascend to the second largest glacier in Norway, visit the first whiskey distillery founded beyond the Arctic Circle, explore the island with a population of puffins numbering tens of thousands of pairs, we will fish and enjoy other seafood. But most of all, we will experience adventure and take a break from civilization together.


Just the sea, the mountains and us.

Few photos from place where we sail